lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008

What to know about Christopher?!

I think it will be good to share a little about ourselves. Who am I? What are my passions? And what makes me Chris?

My life is about stories. Tell them, hear them, read them. And well that's the reason why I really like to communicate. I use lot's of different media to reach that. I'm always in contact with a media type. This way I'm up to date with things I should know. I read different kind of blogs to brief myself. Feed my mind with topics to start conversations.

I live in The Netherlands. It's a small country, with a LOT of people( + 16.000.000). And a lot of different cultures. The biggest hill in the Netherlands is 322 meters and 26 % of The Netherlands is beneath sea level. Next to that is Gay marriage allowed and freedom of speech and human rights is very normal. A few facts of this little country with a nice picture were you can see what Holland would look like if it wasn't protected by dyke's.

OK enough about my country. I am an eighteen year old student, studying Interactive Media in Amsterdam. I am a music fan (Toto) and a drummer for 6 years. And I like to share my ideas with people. I'm also very internationally orientated, that's the reason why I am learning Spanish can speak English, can understand French and German and speak dutch (of course).

I met Erick through my personal blog, and we created this blog since we had loads to discuss. We'll make the same discussions in written in "Spanglish" and publish them to the world. I'll write in English. Erick will write in Spanish. We will discuss Gadgets, new technology, Media usage, lifestyle and culture shocks.

Two continents discussing about life tomorrow...

* We would very like people to contribute via comments, e-mail, twitter or any other way ;-).

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